Who We Are & What We Do

Our program is built on experience, and incorporates the latest, most up-to-date evidence-based and “wholistic” practices.

Whether you are considering being smoke-free someday, are nearing your quit day, or have already quit and are working to stay addiction-free, we can support you on your journey.

You have the power and the strength to make it happen, and we can help.

  • Daily encouraging notes
  • Weekly workshops
  • Follow your progress on your Phone App
  • Private Session with our experienced counsellors

Structured Program

We structured our program around an 8-week recovery, this is just a guideline. You can take as long as you need or as short as you need.

Experienced Team

We are a team dedicated to helping as many people as possible live addiction-free.

Research Based

We research and develop the best supplements in the world to help reverse smoking damage and regain your health.

Rebuild Your Health

We provide tools to prepare to quit smoking and help you rebuild your health and reduce cravings after you succeed.

Select the plan for you

There are 3 levels of programs. Choose the one that best suites your needs.

Follow the daily program

You will receive a daily inspirational message along with access to online tools, videos, a personal journal and an opportunity for weekly 1 on 1 with our recovery team.

Enjoy your life tobacco free!

With our recovery plan and supplements, you will have the tools in place to live tobacco free.

We will provide the proper pieces of the puzzle to help you achieve you goal and live addiction free!

– Vitae Health and Wellness –

Once you join our recovery team you have an excellent opportunity, over time to fully recover from the most difficult of all addictions and break free completely.  

We will help you design and put into action your very own recovery plan. 

We offer support for as long as it takes for you to quit for good.

Daily emails and videos

New content daily as you progress through your journey.

Recovery Planner

Manuals, workbooks, a personal journal and charts to record your progress

Regular Zoom Meetings

Regular weekly recovery meetings via Zoom & Facebook.
Access to 1:1 counselling


Small and large group sessions.
Observer Groups.
Tutorials and Lessons.

Online Hub

Everything you need from one online-hub. Everything you need to track and get support for your journey to be smoke-free
Choose the program that suites you!

Basic Support

Our most econimical
$9.99 per month
  • Morning encouragement
  • One meeting a week
  • Access to Video
  • Personal Journal and Guide
  • Access to private session with counselors
    for a fee.

Premium Support

Our most comprehsive
$19.99 per month
  • Morning encouragement
  • One meeting a week
  • Access to Video
  • Personal Journal and Guide
  • One-on-one with Dr. Kelly
  • Two Weekly Videos in Response to Smokers Needs
Introducing out latest program
Join the tobacco club

Our philosophy is simple:

We research and develop the best supplements in the world to help reverse smoking damage and regain your health while you prepare to quit smoking and help you rebuild your health and reduce cravings after you succeed.

If you have ever tried to quit, you fully understand that this is not an easy thing to do.  Understanding the nature of your  addiction is the key to quitting once and for all. 

Become a member for $9.99/month


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Miriam Gray – regular customer

Lorem estibulum quis ebero id molestie orci risus, nec condimentum est auctor sit amet. Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie. Donec et tincidunt nulla, eget volutpat tortor.

John Doe – regular customer

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Alex White – regular customer

Lorem raeus orci risus, nec condimentum est auctor sit amet. Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie. Donec et tincidunt nulla, eget volutpat tortor.

James Swift – regular customer

Our reputation is the proof!

– Vitae Health and Wellness –

Our Team

Resource Articles

Resources and articles to help support you on your journey to be smoke-free